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Doing More With Google

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As I stated in my last post about Google, I use various Google products all the time. The following are additional favorites.

iGoogle with tabs (Free). I start with iGoogle because it gives me an integrated, customized location to control the internet content important to me. My home page shows my business Gmail account, my Google Calendar, a short-cut to Wikipedia, a dictionary, a “to do” list, Google Map search, and Google Documents. I love the “tab” feature which extends my home-page in an easily configurable and usable fashion. I have three additional tabs which I use to control and easily review blogs of interest. Each tab receives RSS feeds of particular topics. For example, my first tab feeds in law office management blogs, the second tab feeds Microsoft product blogs, and my third tab feeds Macintosh blogs for the legal community. I use this feature to keep the blogs from cluttering my email, while still retaining easy access for review.

Google Calendar (Free). I use this free calendar extensively for home and family. Each family member’s calendar may be viewed by all. This helps us get the kids to play practice while juggling two working parent’s schedules. It now also has a built in Microsoft Outlook sync feature allowing me to keep track of my home schedule when planning my work schedule.

Google Desktop Search. This is one of the most used tools on my computer. This tool allows you to bring the power of Google to your desktop. Once installed, Google indexes your computer and allows quick easy searches for documents, emails, files or web-search results. There are other well known and effective desktop search engines.

Grand Central (Free). This is a neat tool to make sure that you can be reached by telephone at any number. When you sign up you get a unified telephone number which, when dialed, will, ring at all the telephone numbers you registered.

Google Maps on Blackberry. Finally, my current most used and most loved Google application is its Maps on my BlackBerry. I use this feature like a GPS. Admittedly, depending on where you are, the location function is a little crude, but it usually helps me get back on course. More importantly, it always finds my favorite coffee shop.

CATEGORIES: Technology

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