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Managing Outlook e-mail with SimplyFile – 10% off through November 30

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Like many attorneys I struggle with keeping my email inbox clear, file my email where I can find it, and easily file attached documents in the correct client file. After reading a series of reviews about TechHit’s SimplyFile about a year ago, I was given the opportunity to use the product.

As a Law Practice Management Adviosr I look at a lot of software to determine if works for me and would work for attorneys. I reject many software products based on price issues, lack of utility, or because it is not easily implemented. However, TechHit’s SimplyFile and EZDetatch are products that I use every day because these Outlook add-ins allow me to easily file incoming and outgoing emails to a location where I can find them. It also allows me to easily get attachments to the correct file outside of Outlook. A very complete description of the product can be found at Nerino Petro’s Compujurist blog. Nerino is the Law Practice Advisor for the Wisconsen Bar Association and technology expert. He advised me that through the end of November, TechHit is offering readers of Compujurist and other blogs, such as this one, that are part of the PMA Pipes feed a 10% discount on EZDetach. To take advantage of this special offer To receive a PMA discount, place an order via this link: The offer expires on November 30th, 2008.

CATEGORIES: Productivity | Technology

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