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It is Time to Listen: Podcasts That Help Your Practice

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Attorneys often complain to me that they simply do not have time to read about new technology and keep up with the latest law practice management tips. I understand these time demands. However, there is little basis for that excuse anymore because there is a wealth of very informative free educational audio podcasts which you can listen to while you are on the road, working out, or while waiting for your child’s race at the swim meet. My three favorite podcasts are The Digital Edge featuring Jim Calloway and Sharon Nelson, the Kennedy-Mighell Report featuring none other than Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell, and Lawyer2Lawyer featuring Bob Ambrogi and J. Craig Williams.

As many of you know, Bob Ambrogi is a Massachusetts based attorney, blogger, and legal commentator. Lawyer2Lawyer is always excellent as it talks about topics ranging from “Chinese Drywall Litigation” to “Lawyers Advertising on Craigslist”. When you want to learn, or listen, about law practice management, I turn to The Digital Edge produced by the American Bar Association’s Law Practice Management Section. Jim Calloway, directs that Management Assistance Program for the Oklahoma Bar Association and writes Jim Calloway’s Law Practice Tips Blog, where he always gives good advice for solo and small firm attorneys. Sharon Nelson founded a computer forensic and information technology company, Sensei Enterprises, Inc., and brings a wealth of technology knowledge to the podcast. The practical aspect of this podcast is displayed by the recent releases on finance, How Good Lawyers Survive Bad Times, marketing, How to Select an S.E.O. Company, and law office management, Guide to Practice Management Software. Find all of these programs at The Digital Edge home page. For pure technology I like to listen to the Kennedy Mighell Report on LegalTalkNetwork (the same network that hosts Lawyer2Lawyer). Again, this is a podcast that actually talks about issues that face practicing attorneys. Recently, Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell have spoken about Email Etiquette 2.0, What Technology is Dead Today? (and what is best for your firm), and
Lawyers and Smartphones

I am looking forward to yet another program coming to LegalTalkNetwork from Adrianna Linares and Debbie Foster who will be discussing technology and tips that help the law practice. I have seen both give technology presentations and they are excellent. I am sure the podcast will also be excellent.

Just as an aside, while I dithered writing this blog several other folks have reviewed or listed favorite blogs. You can see that KCLL Klues also likes Lawyer2Lawyer and Kennedy-Mighell Report, and at The Legal Connection there is a review: LegalTypist Review: LawTalkNetwork podcast Lawyers and Smartphones .

CATEGORIES: Law Firm Management | Technology

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