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Business and Marketing Planning for Attorneys

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Further to my last post hereat, in which I discussed realistic business planning for lawyers, I’d like to provide some resources and further information, for accomplishing same, in this: only the second post that I have written of a reasonable length. (To paraphrase Meatloaf: 2 out of every 100 ain’t bad.)

You see, I felt bad almost immediately after making that last post, because I told you what not to do, but offered no guidance on how to do what you should be doing. (That’s just not cool.)

To that end, I wanted to make available a powerpoint of mine covering the topic of business and marketing planning for attorneys, which I’ve made available via this drop site, along with another great resource.

(Further) Explanatory: Although the powerpoint I have made available (in Powerpoint 2007 and Powerpoint 1997-2003 versions) is titled “Business and Marketing Planning for the Start-Up Law Firm”, don’t ignore it if you have an existing law firm, as much of the information is still germane to you, especially if you have not yet created a business plan, and marketing plan. There is also value in taking the time to examine and reset your business. Being a staunch advocate of planning, it is my belief that, no matter when you adopt a business or marketing plan, it will inure to the significant benefit of your business.

In addition to my powerpoint, I have included, at the drop site, a draft business plan, used with the permission of the Boston law firm of Bernstein & Yang, LLP, to whom we are very grateful for their donation.

I also make reference within my powerpoint, and referred to in the initial construction of my powerpoint, Linda Pinson‘s excellent ABA book/software package, “The Lawyer’s Guide to Creating Your Business Plan: A Step-by-Step Software Package“, currently circulating in 2009 edition, but with annual updates, to watch for. The “Lawyer’s Guide” features informative instructions for drafting documents as well as template documents available, which, it being a software package, can be immediately accessed electronically. This is tremendous resource, which is available for purchase through the ABA, or for borrowing via the LOMAP Lending Library (2007, 2008 and 2009 editions).

CATEGORIES: Client Relations | Law Firm Management | Law Practice Startup | Marketing | Planning

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