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Preach What You Practice II: LOMAP Gets Second Podcast, the “Legal Toolkit”

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Late last year, I wrote about Rodney Dowell’s “UnBillable Hour” podcast, sponsored by the good people at AbacusLaw. You can revisit that post here. And, you’ll be pleased to know that the UnBillable Hour still goes strong. You can check out the full collection of programs at the UnBillable Hour’s homepage.

However, in our continuing quest to take over all legal media (with my apologies for paraphrasing Howard Stern, and for trying to steal Bob Ambrogi’s gig), we here at LOMAP have decided that just one podcast is not enough.

Two podcasts? That’s more like it.

I have recently taken over hosting duties for Catuogno Court Reporting’s the “Legal Toolkit” podcast. The Legal Toolkit had previously focused exclusively on Massachusetts data privacy issues; but, the programming will now shift toward coverage of other issues of interest to attorneys. (Not that we’re pointing fingers . . . we have been all over Massachusetts data privacy like white on rice on a paper plate on a polar bear’s back in a snowstorm in the arctic. Witness.) From here on out, at every monthly turn, we’ll address topics that all attorneys should acquire a substantial basis in before attempting to move their practices forward. Each program will represent information about another tool for your lawyer’s toolbelt.

The first showpiece for the reformatted Toolkit was our “IOLTA Accounting: Part I” episode, featuring James S. Bolan of Brecher, Wyner, Simons, Fox & Bolan, LLP and Terrence D. Pricher of the Office of Bar Counsel. Jim and Terry combined to provide a substantial and impressive review of IOLTA accounting, for your listening pleasure. In fact, I ended up liking the IOLTA topic so much, I have decided to do “IOLTA Accounting: Part II”, which will release in early April (April 1 record date; no foolin’); literally: I just thought of that title now . . . What a stroke of good luck that I called the first episode “IOLTA Accounting: Part I”! Part II will focus on the mechanics of trust accounting and the software by which accounting may be more easily rendered. Already booked to appear is Beverly Michaelis, Practice Management Advisor with the Oregon State Bar Professional Liability Fund. Beverly will discuss software options for trust accounting.

If you still can’t get enough IOLTA accounting chatter, check out our prior blog post, covering available IOLTA resources; that post is available here. (What? You thought that I was going to forget all about the LOMAP Blog just because of my burgeoning career in internet radio for lawyers? Think again.) And, you can review Part I of the Legal Toolkit’s coverage of IOLTA accounting, as well as all prior and all future Toolkit shows, at the Legal Toolkit homepage, on Legal Talk Network.

(And, since my brother just had a birthday, I’ll mention his bon mot, delivered over email the other day, that it might perhaps be that the biggest tool of all on the Legal Toolkit, is me. Well-played, sir. Well-played.)

CATEGORIES: Law Firm Management | Law Practice Startup | Risk Management | Technology

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