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LOMAP’s Start-Up Meetings Offer Free Crash Course for Those Establishing Practices

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With the unofficial start to summertime following the long Memorial Day Weekend, everyone is looking forward to some kind of finish line, for the end of some kind of working. If you’ve graduated from law school (you’re in it now), you’re fully ramping up to studies for the bar examination. Perhaps you’re considering, even, following your certification as a new attorney, establishing your own firm, rather than going the more traditional route, in apprenticing under an experienced attorney. If you’ve been working all year, you’re looking forward to a slower summertime: moments to catch your breath, while everyone else is away on vacation. And, perhaps, if you’re tired of working for someone else’s purposes, and sick of everyone else being on vacation, you’re considering establishing your own firm. If you’re starting as a new solo , or creating a new partnership, straight out of law school, or straight out of somebody else’s practice, we have a deal for you:

LOMAP offers, at the end of each month, a group start-up meeting for you and your similarly-situated colleagues, at which LOMAP Director Rodney Dowell and/or I run down the basics of establishing a new practice, take your practice questions and allay your practice concerns . . . the last with the kryptonite of good and useful information. Our start-up sessions have proven to be popular, not only because of the crash course in start-up offered, but because of the group dynamic: attorneys establishing new practices are introduced to, and can establish the beginnings of professional relationships with, other lawyers, who share the same (essentially) goals and the same (essentially) struggles.

While it might be easier to tell you to relax for the summer, and to put these considerations off for the fall, the easiest route is, most often, not the most effective. Starting a new law practice takes a tremendous amount of hard work and virtual elbow grease; but, everyone is so busy these days that they can never find the time to do anything: the laundry, let alone creating a new business. So, when you do find time to execute on your dreams, you must apply yourself. Think of the summer as, rather than a relaxing pacing down of your general activities, a series of months that free you up to act upon the establishment of your new practice. If you don’t take advantage of this down time now, you may have to wait until next year at this time for a similar opportunity–and you may then find yourself smack dab where you are right now, only a year older.

To that end, Rodney and I are deranged enough to hold a couple of start-up summer sessions, as follows: Friday, June 25, 2010 @ 1 pm and Friday, August 6, 2010 @ 1 pm. Both programs will be held at our downtown Boston office. If you (and that can be you (pl.) if you have prospective partners) are interested in attending one of these sessions, contact our administrative assistant, Rachel Willcox, via phone at (857) 383-3250 or via email at Again, these meetings are free of charge; all we ask is that you sign our service agreement and contact form sometime prior to the meeting date and time. And, the summer sessions will not be the only sessions–we’ll ramp up to monthly meetings again come the fall.

If this all sounds vaguely familiar to you, it should: we have posted previously on this topic. (I’m tired myself, alright–and, I couldn’t think of anything else new to write about this week; I’m not a damn machine, you know.) In that post, we described these meetings, as well as linking out to the materials that make up our “Start-Up Kit”, which materials serve as the basis for our start-up group meetings. But, really, you gotta see us do it live. I lay down a wicked solo (and, by that, I mean the whole dang song) for “Jessica”. And Rodney just slays the intro for “Moby Dick”.

(Do we really play music? No. We mostly just wear Dave Trumble-style plaid shirts and act goofy. But, it sounded a lot cooler the other way, so that’s what I went with.)

. . .

In lieu of “Liner Notes” this week, I would prefer to drop my NBA Finals prediction for this year, in advance of Game 1:

Celtics in 7

Look for a repeat of the 1969 NBA Finals.

There’s just something about June rolling around, and another soft Lakers team gagging in the Finals against another defensive-minded and mentally tough Celtics team. It’s one of the finest sporting traditions there is, really.

Hey, Will someone get that stupid llama off the court? . . . Oh, that’s Pau Gasol? My bad.

(I can’t even begin to tell you how much I hate the Lakers. I had to edit out much of my Lakers vitriol for this post, as I strive, as always, to keep this blog family-friendly, much like the bleachers at Fenway.)

CATEGORIES: Career Planning & Transition | Law Firm Management | Law Practice Startup | Marketing | Planning | Productivity | Risk Management | Technology

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