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SaaSafras Roots: Attorneys Moving to Web-Based Software Solutions

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When you’re a blogger in demand, you can’t just post to your own blog anymore. The people demand more . . . always more. The damn people.

Time was that I was, once again, asked to guest at another blog.

Now, I’m not writing about PMAs again, so you can read on. No, this time I’m talking about SaaS; and, you can read my post, titled the same as this blog post here, here. I do hope you enjoy reading this one, and I’d like to thank the folks at muchbeta (especially Daniel Nunes), makers of the SaaS law practice management software solution, LawRD: Reports on Demand, for providing me the opportunity to blog for them, at their blog.

As you can divine from my last name, I’m Italian. Psyche. I’m actually Portuguese. But, everybody thinks I’m Italian. Surprise. So, you can imagine how happy my family was when they saw that my post also appears in Portuguese. It was like they were all hopped up on cuckoo juice, all cheek-pinching and unwanted kissing and whatnot.

. . .

Bonus points if you caught the Green Day reference.

CATEGORIES: Client Relations | Law Firm Management | Law Practice Startup | Productivity | Risk Management | Technology

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