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Virtual So: Online Practice Primers

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If you liked Stephanie Kimbro’s series of blog posts on the virtual practice of law previously gracing our LOMAP Blog (you can find part 1, part 2 and part 3 linked out from here), you’re gonna love her book.

Stephanie’s book, published by the ABA, “Virtual Law Practice: How to Deliver Legal Services Online”, represents a handbook for the establishment of a virtual law office for the interested attorney. If you want to try some before you buy some, as it were, you can preview the table of contents and chapter 1–note the the use of cool, futuristic font, showing definitively that this is a book about the future not to be trifled with. (Kurt Vonnegut would be so proud.) (Full Disclosure: Alright, I haven’t read the book yet: it’s only available for pre-order, and we haven’t gotten our copy yet; but, I will, and we will. Or, at least, I’ll have someone else read it for me. Rachel? But, yeah, I’m still vouching for it: you read Stephanie’s blog posts here, you know she’s good and thorough, and she knows what she’s talking about.)

But, if you’re like, “Man, I can’t wait for a book, I wish somebody would just come to Massachusetts to tell me about this stuff”, well, I guess you’re out of luck.

Just kidding. You’re, in fact, in luck. On November 4 from 4 pm to 7 pm, at the Massachusetts Bar Association, and online (to be archived, as well), through the MBA’s On Demand platform, Stephanie will be appearing via video feed (that’s cool, right; I mean, it’s at least appropriate) to discuss what a virtual law office is, and how to market same, as well as some of the ethics issues surrounding same website chat. Yours truly to moderate. (That’s right, you can see me! If you’re trying to get a visual, I kind of look like a hotter version of a cross between George Clooney and Sasquatch. I mean, What more do you need for an inducement?) You can register for the program here.

And, as if that were not enough, just to whet your appetite, a veritable orderv, as it were (wait, Where’s my French spellcheck?–oh, there it is: hors d’oeuvre), I will host one of the MBA’s inaugural lunchtime legal chats, covering virtual practice options short of the full-scale virtual law office that Stephanie will address most fully. You can register for my program here. (Please Note: This program is only available via webcast; but, you will have the opportunity to, and it will be encouraged that you do, ask questions and engage the suave presenter.) Come by and chat, won’t you? We’ll talk about collaboration and communication, records management and records protection, and lots of other fun stuff along the way.

Looks like we’re all moving from caveperson lawyers to robot lawyers. Well, oil me up, as I ponder wherefore the sun is eating the moon?

CATEGORIES: Client Relations | Law Firm Management | Law Practice Startup | Marketing | Planning | Risk Management | Technology

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