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The (Second Annual) Posts of Christmas Past: The LOMAP Blog’s Calendar Year in Review (for 2010)

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You know how when your favorite shows are just going along, being your favorite shows . . . and then, out of nowhere: a clip show. (The most egregious example being Seinfeld’s finale/clip show endovaganza. What a flaming disaster.) And, you hate clip shows. So, you’re like, “Really, show, that’s the best you can do? Why not just broadcast a rerun instead of being so obnoxious as to try to pawn a clip show off on me, like I won’t know. Like I won’t know!!” But, instead of hating all over clip shows like you do (really?), I like to think of clip shows as a glorious admission of human frailty. I know we don’t like to admit this out on the Northeast Megalopolis, and all: but, hey, (hey,) people get tired, and people get worn out. I like to think of teams of writers (or, let’s say, Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David, circa 1998) sitting down, and being like, “Well, I’ve got nothing. Nothing. I’m just so tired, and all I want to do is Christmasy stuff. And, the baby Jesus didn’t ride into Jerusalem so that I could work through the Christmas holiday. . . . Wait, wait. . . . I got it. Clip show. We’ll do a clip show.” Holla.

After 80 blog posts this year, I’m ready for a clip show. (I mean, 80! Really, what more do you want from me? Let me go down to the mall, for God’s sake!)

Here is the best of the Law Practice Advisor Blog for 2010 A.D., arrayed in chronological fashion, and sung in a Christmas caroly tuneway:

Iiiiiiiiiiin the first month of this year, the LOMAP Blog gave to me/
A post about starting a practice from three different budgetary perspectives:

Starting Your Practice on a Limited Budget: Hitting the Numbers

In the second month of this year, the LOMAP Blog gave to me/
An overview of records management within the law firm environment:

Garage Banned Music: Records Management and Disposition for Attorneys

In the third month of this year, the LOMAP Blog gave to me/
The rundown on referrals for Massachusetts practitioners:

Re: fer Referral Fees–Can and Do

In the fourth month of this year, the LOMAP Blog gave to me/
Meet Rachel!:

Thy Rod(s) and Thy Staff: LOMAP Grows, Hires Administrative Assistant

In the fifth month of this year, the LOMAP Blog gave to me/
Everything I ever needed to know about PDF and scanning I learned at the LOMAP Blog:

PD-F This! Scanners Too: The Ne(xt) Order

In the sixth month of this year, the LOMAP Blog gave to me/
Reasons why Facebook works for business marketing:

Like This: Facebook as a Business Marketing Utility

In the seventh month of this year, the LOMAP Blog gave to me/
Some tools and tips for securing information via email encryption:

Cypher Sell: Email Encryption, for the Security of the Well-Traveling Private Data

In the eighth month of this year, the LOMAP Blog gave to me/
Some wistful perspective on the importance of unplugging:

Picking the Grid-Lock: So Much Cooler Offline

In the ninth month of this year, the LOMAP Blog gave to me/
An admonition, to get your IOLTA reconciliation done, along with some practical how-to advice:

Don’t Be Embarrassed: Step Up to the Plate and Learn To Do Your IOLTA Trust Accounting

In the tenth month of this year, the LOMAP Blog gave to me/
An insanely long two-part series on mainstream social media marketing options for lawyers:

Platform Shoes: Social Media Marketing, Fitted for your Practice (Part the Fir£t)

In the eleventh month of this year, the LOMAP Blog gave to me/
Some good . . . nay, great, tips for client selection:

They’re Not Worthy: Tips for Client Selecting*

(*Thanks to Leanna Hamill and WANSS.)

In the twelfth month of this year, the LOMAP Blog gave to me/
Four distinct, quick tips, thought all up at the FirmFuture Conference:

Fantastic Four: Tips from FirmFuture

I would also give you and a partridge in a pear tree, only I’ve just got turkeys in my neighborhood currently, and they’re out of season; that, and I’m not entirely convinced that pears even grow on trees.

Because that’s the sort of dude I am, never resting on my laurels (which I used to think were calf muscles), it’s time to move on to considerations of New Year’s resolutions. I think that, for Christmas 2011, I’ll figure out a way to add some jolly holly graphics to the Blogger theme here. Maybe upload a picture of myself to the post riding around on a reindeer (either red- or green-nosed variety being equally acceptable), or something crazy like that. I know, I’ll see if I can get Bernie Taupin to co-author with me, maybe get some of the little couplets to rhyme. (Yeah, you try coming up with something that rhymes with perspectives . . . Other than detectives, okay . . .) Oh, a LOMAP Blog float as the last float at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, to get some advance marketing done . . .

. . .

Liner Notes

Boy, it seems like it’s been forever ago that I did a Liner Notes section. I felt like I almost forgot how to do them; but, then I remembered that I don’t have any sort of plan or system in place anyway, so I can basically do whatever I want. Whew. That was close. (Yes, I just wrote: “Whew”. Imagine me wiping fake sweat from my brow. . . . No, it’s real.)

Last year, I listed a lot of Christmas songs here, leaving myself very little wiggle room for additional Christmas songs to include for 2010. (Isn’t that just like me, stealing from 2010 to pay 2009.) So, I had, what I thought was, the brilliant idea to ask everyone what their favorite Christmas songs are, and to include those in this very edition of Liner Notes. (You know, the whole everyone-else-does-the-work thing; I kind of specialize in that.) What I didn’t realize, of course, is that “everyone” is a lot of people. So, I only asked one person: our IT guy, Chris Morse. Chris’ favorite Christmas song, in case you were wondering, is “I Saw Three Ships”, Sting’s version.

Wwhhoooooaaaa, Boy. What do I do now?

Just kidding. I know tons of Christmas songs. And, I’ll table the survey idea for next year. (Maybe.)

Let’s tag this one “Modern Christmas”. Yeah. Like, modern artists doing new Christmas songs that you may not have heard. (My apologies if you’ve heard any of these. Feel free to think of me as a poser.)

Here are some of those:

Backdoor Santa” by JET

Everything’s Gonna Be Cool This Christmas” by the Eels (For whatever reason, old dudes love the Eels.)

Black and Blue Christmas” by Chris Trapper

A Great Big Sled” by The Killers

Forget December” by Something Corporate

The Christmas Song” by Weezer

Winter Song” by Sarah Bareilles and Ingrid Michaelson

Don’t you feel much hipper now? Now then, Go out there and buy that Wii . . . for yourself!

(And now, if I can just avoid another Christmas stocking debacle like last year, this Christmas will be just fine . . .)

CATEGORIES: Client Relations | Law Firm Management | Law Practice Startup | Lawyer's Quality of Life | Marketing | Planning | Productivity | Risk Management | Technology

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