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LCL Says “Roll Out the WordPress”

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As the Executive Director of Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers I am pleased to announce that LCL has moved to a new, more dynamic website platform, powered by WordPress.  Interestingly, WordPress was created and continues to be built by a community of dedicated volunteers.   As a result of those volunteers’ hard work, WordPress grew from a simply typography tool, to a full content management system, which is the largest self-hosted blogging tool in the world.   The success of WordPress demonstrates the power of highly dedicated volunteers who form a united community to achieve a goal, and then keep achieving new goals.

For me, WordPress is the perfect tool to be used by LCL for our new website.  Not only is it an easy, well developed software platform for us to use, but, symbolically, it is perfect.  Like WordPress, LCL is also an organization that was started by a few highly dedicated volunteers that created a statewide community assisting attorneys.  Those first LCL leaders brought together attorneys dealing with alcoholism, but, they also saw the need to do more, for more attorneys, dealing with many issues that prevented the attorneys from achieving success both professionally and personally.   With the ongoing support of a growing number of individual volunteers, who serve on our board of directors, or any of our Peer Volunteer Support Groups, LCL is able to provide free and confidential services, across Massachusetts, to attorneys that need assistance.   From our initial, and continuing core mission, to assist attorneys, law students and judges seeking to deal with alcohol and drug abuse, or addiction, to our expanded mission to provide mental health evaluation and referral, and finally, to our newest mission to provide law practice management assistance, our volunteers have laid the foundation, reached out a hand in support, and embraced the LCL staff to create a larger stronger community.

Like WordPress, our continued success depends upon our community which supports the mission of LCL, and provides new energy, and a strong sense of mission, and the ability to provide greater services then any individual part.  As we roll out the new website platform, we ask our members, users, and clients, to join our community, find ways to help further our mission, and allow us to effectively communicate with each community member.  Also, if you wish to contribute to LCL in any manner please contact us so we can find a place for you to help.

CATEGORIES: Announcements | Uncategorized

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