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Hat Trick: FirmFuture Comes Around Again; Free Registration for LOMAP Blog Readers

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The coming of Winter and the Fall of the year means one thing in New England: There’s another FirmFuture Conference in the offing.  . . . Well, at least, that’s what it’s meant for the last two years . . . before that, it probably had more to do with the homespun goodness of a James Taylor, or warm maple syrup, both of which are similarly delicious.  (Ah, simpler times!)  But, if you want to access some of the best advice respecting leveraging technology for your law firm, and marketing your practice, FirmFuture’s right in your wheelhouse, much like a Josh Beckett meatball.  (Piling on, I know.)
This year’s conference has nestled into a warmer spot upon the calendar; whereas the past two FirmFutures have taken place on December 1, the law gods have seen fit to bless us with a new date for this seminal event, which is now closer to the Summertime.  (Watch it snow now.)  This year’s FirmFuture will take place on Monday, October 1, 2012 from 8-2 at the Copley Marriott in Boston.  But, the probably more favorable weather is not the onlyreason you should be looking to attend the new year’s version of FirmFuture.  Presenters and topics include: Bob Ambrogi, on the effect of new technology on the practice; David White, on pimping your website; and, LOMAP’s own Rodney Dowell, on time management.  But, that’s not all: for the full slate of speakers and programs, check out the FirmFuture Conference agenda, here.  If you wish, then, to slake your legal technology and marketing jones, you should register for FirmFuture . . .
. . . Just don’t pay anything to go.  Readers of the LOMAP Blogcan attend FirmFuture for free by registering with the discount code: LOMAPGuest.  Well, sure, you probably could have guessed that that was the code; but, we’re not interested in playing games here — we’re just going to give it to you.  What you might not have been able to guess, though, is that the discount code is only good for the next two weeks.  So, if you want in for nothing, you’ve got until September 14 to register.  Hopefully, FirmFuture will be in your future.
. . .
Liner Notes
‘Variations on Baker Street’
Baker Street in London is famous for many things, including serving as the address locator for a number of history’s most significant investigators, including Danger Mouse(not the DJ — though that’s, like, a grey area).  But, did you also know that ‘Baker Street’ is one of the best songs of all time?  Quite popular, but never entirely given its due, as a card-carrying member of the ‘best songs of all time’ club, ‘Baker Street’ was a colossal jam and an iconic ditty, written by Gerry Rafferty.
What’s that you say?  Who’s Gerry Rafferty?  You know this man: his band, Stealers Wheel, does that song ‘Stuck in the Middle with You’.  You know that song; I know you do.  Plus, he had more of his own hits, too.  I bet you know ‘Right Down the Line’.  But, ‘Baker Street’ is his most popular song, and one of the best songs ever, in my humbled opinion.
But, in addition to the original, there are a number of other excellent versions of this song, of which I want to make you aware.  Rafferty’s own extended version is very good.  Livingston Taylor, brother of James, has, in my opinion, the best cover.  The Foo Fighters rolled out a rock version, which was issued on a re-release of one of their early albums.  Jars of Clay offers what-must-be a religiously-inspired live cut.  (Dude’s killing the melodica, though.
)  Waylon Jennings applies a country spin.  (You knew that was coming.)  And, even the London Symphony Orchestra has descended to the creation of its own reverse engineered opus.
CATEGORIES: Client Relations | Law Firm Management | Law Practice Startup | Marketing | Planning | Productivity | Risk Management | Technology

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