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Announcing LoMac: A Resource and Community for Mac + iOS Legal Practitioners

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LoMac logo croppedDo you use a Mac or iOS device in your law practice? If so, you are part of a growing trend among solo and small firm lawyers. According to the ABA 2013 Legal Technology Survey Report, 23% of small law firms (2 to 9 attorneys) and 19% of solo practitioners surveyed use Apple laptops while13% of solo practitioners and 11% of small firms use Apple desktop computers. Notably, Apple usage is higher for solo and small firms than the industry average use of Apple computers (9% overall usage in the legal industry).
While the Mac legal practitioner was once a rarity due to the challenges in finding dedicated legal software programs and other Mac-compatible products (kudos to those who persevered), this is no longer the case. Developers are quickly jumping on the Mac bandwagon and creating legal products for Mac and PC users alike. Moreover, with the increased use and acceptability of Cloud-based programs in the legal industry, Mac attorneys enjoy even greater options.
When it comes to mobile devices, according to the report, Apple products are widely popular, particularly among solo and small firms. It’s no surprise that the iPhone is the device of choice for 55% of solos and 76% of small firms. In addition to smartphone use, 41% of solos and 45% of small firms reported using a tablet, with the iPad being the most popular tablet (91% overall reported using iPads). Accordingly, the ABA has published a series of books dedicated to the use of iPad in practice, including iPad in One Hour for Lawyers, iPad in One Hour for Litigators, and iPad Apps in One Hour for Lawyers,.
As the number of Mac and iOS practitioners increase so do the resources available. It should go without saying that one of the most outstanding resources/discussion boards out there is the Macs in the Law Office (MILO) Google Group. I encourage any Mac/iOS user, as well as anyone interested in moving to these platforms, to join this listserv.
Based on a mounting desire of some MILO members to meet up on a regular basis, share experiences with other Mac/iOS attorneys, demo new products, and network among fellow Mac/iOS brethren, we at MassLOMAP have developed a new resource and meeting group for Mac + iOS attorneys: LoMac, short for Law Office Macs.
On our website, you will find resources for Mac users, including guides, websites, software, and services providers; resources for iOS users, including guides, websites, apps, and service providers; and Mac + iOS communities. While we will continue to update these resources regularly, please send along any resources for inclusion to
Aside from online resources, we will offer a regular LoMac gathering in Boston with options for remote participation via web conference. LoMac will kick things off with an event on June 9th at 5 p.m. at Fort Point Legal located in the WeWork co-working space at 51 Melcher Street in Boston. This event will feature a presentation and demonstration by a local Mac attorney with networking to follow. Please RSVP to or via LoMac Google+ Community page.
For more information about LoMac, please contact our Law Practice Advisor, Heidi Alexander at or 857–383–3250. For LoMac updates, events, resources, and more, join our Google+ Community.

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CATEGORIES: Law Firm Management | Law Practice Startup | Productivity | Technology

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