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Ethical Quandary: How Best to Acquire Information About the Revised Massachusetts Rules of Professional Conduct

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2015 09 15 New Professional Rules
You’ll have heard that the Massachusetts Rules of Professional Conduct were substantially revised this Summer. You’ll have heard that, in part, because we told you about it.
. . . which gives rise to an interesting question: How should you best acquire information about the new rules? Decisions, decisions.
Well, buck up. You don’t have to decide.
Like to read? The Board of Bar Overseers has posted a comprehensive article outlining the major changes.
Like to listen? We’ve interviewed bar counsel Connie Vecchione and malpractice attorney Jim Bolan about the new rules, and the practical changes they mean for local attorneys, on an episode of Legal Talk Network’s Special Reports. The full episode is accessible here.
Like to watch? Jim, Connie and John Whitlock will present on the subject for Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly at Social Law Library on November 4. That program will feature opportunities for asking questions. Register here.
Like to knit? . . . Sorry, I guess you’re out of luck. Unless . . . Actually: no. Nope.
. . .
Liner Notes
Back in the High Life Again’ by Warren Zevon
Or – Warren Zevon deciding that Steve Winwood should have been significantly more depressed: black-eyed soul.
Heidi is making Rachel post all of our blogs now, due, in part, to her phat graphic design skills (note the, no doubt amazing, image attached to this post).
This is, then, the first in my series of ‘Songs Rachel Would Like If She Knew Them, Which She Now Does. My Job Here Is Done.’

CATEGORIES: Client Relations | Ethics | Law Firm Management | Law Practice Startup | Lawyer's Quality of Life | Marketing | Planning | Risk Management | Technology | Uncategorized

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