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breakfast party join us in dtx boston on Jan 12

Your Invitation to Our January 12th Breakfast Gathering

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Hello Friends, Clients, and Colleagues,

The end of 2016 brought about a number of changes for LOMAP and its parent organization, Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers. We bid farewell to Rodney and Jared, but welcomed a new practice advisor, Susan Letterman White, and Executive Director of LCL, Anna Levine. In addition, I’m proud to announce our new Marketing Director, Rachel Casper (as many of you already know). You’ll be hearing much more from her in weeks and months to come!

As your new Director of LOMAP, it is my pleasure to invite you to our annual LOMAP gathering next Thursday, January 12 at our office in Downtown Crossing Boston. We know you are busy, so we’ve planned an early morning networking breakfast and social to begin at 8:30am.

While we are looking forward to catching up with you or meeting you for the first time, we also want to make sure this event is well worth your time. In that spirit, our new practice advisor, Susan, will lead us through a few fun facilitated networking exercises. Bring your business cards and elevator pitches, and get ready to connect with other awesome lawyers and professionals!

Find out more and RSVP now here!

We hope this new year brings health, happiness, and profitability to your practices!


Heidi Alexander

CATEGORIES: Lawyer's Quality of Life
TAGS: networking

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