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Practice Launch Pad for New Lawyers [Program Series]

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Practice Launch Pad is a 10-week series of programs designed to help new lawyers as they prepare to launch their own practices.

Our regular Law Practice Startup Workshops have been so consistently popular among new attorneys that we began partnering with Starting Out Solo, helping to ensure lawyers who have never practiced before get the essentials.

New lawyers starting up new law practices face tough competition. But it’s insightful to pursue a unique, personal niche in the economy as artificial intelligence continues to change the legal industry with growing potential for disruption. We want to do everything we can to help new lawyers navigating these challenges.

And to guide new lawyers through preparations to launch their own practice successfully, we’ve worked with the Massachusetts Bar Association to develop an accelerated 10-week program is designed for lawyers new to practice, having recently graduated from law school or taken the bar exam.

We’ll give you key elements to process in weekly installments each Thursday through November 9th, with each session running between 1-2 hours in a lineup thoughtfully composed by Susan Letterman White and her co-chair, Damian Turco.

You’ll get the most if you attend in person when possible; each session is also offered on demand for those who cannot easily travel to the MBA in Boston or want to catch up before joining up mid-series. You’re free to register only for the sessions you want to attend – but we recommend committing to the full program to find out everything you need as you prepare to launch your law practice.

Our introductory session on September 7th will give you an overview of the high-level basics of the program, what to expect in future programs and how we will cover the topics that follow. You will also learn the essential components to a well-designed business plan and how to track your progress in developing your own plan over the 10 weeks of this program. In addition, you will learn which character traits are absolutely needed to not only make it, but thrive in solo and small firm practice. You will leave this program ready to refine your objectives and forge a successful trajectory.

Register for the introductory session here. And then sign up for subsequent sessions individually below!

Week 2: Business Planning Workshop (Sept. 14) | Register here. It’s hard to get where you want to go without a plan, and that’s especially true in business. Don’t let bad (or lack of) planning be the reason your practice fails. Instead, leverage the guidance of those who have built successful practices and develop and refine your business plan during this informative program with Sofia Lingos. You will walk away with something tangible you can immediately put to good use.

Week 3: Finance Your Firm (Sept. 21) | Register here. This session will feature a pre-recorded presentation on law firm finance. Learn from the experience of our expert presenters, including Dmitry Lev, and develop a realistic plan on how you’ll finance your firm. You’ll get great guidance on initial capital, start up costs, small business loans, fee structure, managing monthly expenses, forecasting revenue and collections.

Week 4: Operations Management (Sept. 28) | Register here. When it comes to tackling a case, preparation beats winging it every time. The same goes for the way you run your practice. Learn how to run your practice more efficiently and cost effectively by developing the systems necessary to perform tasks, from consultations to filing pleadings. Learn about the latest research on this topic and how to employ its findings in your practice in this informative program with Gabriel Cheong.

Week 5: Using Technology Effectively (Oct. 5) | Register here. If you are not effectively using technology in your practice, you are missing a tremendous opportunity. Various software programs now help the solo practitioner and small practice lawyer efficiently automate many essential tasks. Join us for this program and get a taste of several different programs including Clio, Rocket Matter, Lexicata, Evernote, Dropbox, Google and more. Join us for this program and get great insight from our technology practice experts, including Heidi Alexander (of course).

Week 6: Marketing 101 & Networking Effectively (Oct. 12) | Register here. While both are buzzwords that most attorneys are familiar with, they can be daunting to those just starting out. Our panelists will offer tips to normalize the process, and will train you on best practices so you can succeed in this area of business development. Join us for this insightful program and learn to be a networking superstar.

Week 7: Marketing II: Internet Marketing (Oct. 19) | Register here. You’ve graduated from law school, drafted a business plan and started to learn the law in your chosen practice area. And now you are looking to the internet as a fertile ground for finding new clients. Where do you begin? Put your anxiety aside and learn from experts, who not only successfully practice law, but also have been wildly successful with internet marketing. Join us with David White for this informative program and to learn how to maximize internet marketing within your budget.

Week 8: Community Involvement (Oct. 26) | Register here. Making a difference in this world by connecting to something greater than yourself is one of the most rewarding and satisfying activities you will do. It also can help you grow your professional credibility and develop meaningful relationships when done right. Come to this important program with Natacha Thomas and learn why, for both personal and professional development, you should make the time to get involved in the community.

Week 9: Growing Your Expertise (Nov. 2) | Register here. We will be working with Cynthia Runge and Samuel Segal help you develop a plan to become a leader in your chosen practice area, and how to properly market your expertise. This On Demand program will help you develop your business plan to become the confident, capable and competent practitioner you want to be.

Week 10: Wrap-up and Launch (Nov. 9) | Register here. You’ve spent many hours drafting and redrafting your business plan as you take the deep-dive into each component, and now you have a refined vision of what your practice will be. You are securely on the launch pad and the clock is counting down. Come to this final wrap-up program and take advantage of the expertise, experience and knowledge of our faculty so that we may answer any lingering questions, finalize anything left uncertain in your plan and help you plot out your trajectory.

CATEGORIES: Career Planning & Transition | Law Practice Startup | Marketing | Technology

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