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tech lawyers need to improve client service

Technology Lawyers Need for Better Client Service

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Find out what tools you can use to give your clients the right experience with technology in your law practice.

Your clients want expedience, but they don’t want complications – and they also want to work with a human. To help you find the right balance, our friends at Attorney at Work sourced expert input on the tech you need for better client service in Friday 5+ Tech Tips, to which Heidi contributed the following:

E-signature and Electronic Billing

E-signature is here to stay. There is absolutely no need to 1) attach document to an email, 2) force your client to download it, 3) print it, 4) sign it, 5) re-scan it, and 6) email it back to sender. Instead, use an e-signature service that allows parties to sign documents and authenticate the signer. 1) Upload your document for signing to the e-signature platform, 2) enter the recipient’s email address, and 3) recipient signs the document electronically and receives a copy of the signed copy to download for their records. You’ve now cut the number of steps in half, saving both you and your client time, money, and stress.

A few popular e-signature providers include:


Paper billing is dead. It’s time to move to electronic invoices and payments to streamline invoicing and payment on both sides of the transaction, not to mention improve collections rates. Many of the case management programs now provide the ability to generate an invoice to email to clients. Clients can then pay online with a credit card or e-check from any device. That’s it.

On the law firm side, the payment is applied to trust or operating account and then recorded in a ledger. Now you’ve not only made your client happy with the ease of the process, but you’ve eliminated waste from your own processes. To name just a few, Rocket Matter, Clio, MyCase, Zola Suite, CosmoLex, and Leap all offer electronic billing and payments (many through integration with LawPay).

.  .  .

And Heidi’s expert colleagues offered a range of other suggestions:

>> Add ‘Contact Us’ forms on your website (from Sharon Nelson + John Simek)

>> Try ‘Live Chat’ to improve client communication (from Nora Regis)

>> Start using video communication – for everything (from Reid Trautz)

>> Start using a virtual receptionist service (from Courtney Troutman)

Find out more on implementing their tips in the full post on Attorney at Work.

CATEGORIES: Client Relations | Law Firm Management | Technology

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