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Online Marketing and SEO Essentials for Law Firms [Guest Post]

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When you’re busy practicing law, there isn’t a lot of time left to develop marketing tactics. Here are the essentials you need to make sure you can be found online.

We thank the team at for this helpful guest post.

You already know that smart, strategic online marketing can mean a world of difference for your law firm. And you’ve likely heard of the importance of SEO before, but you’ve shied away from it due to lack of knowledge, concern about cost, or any other of the myriad excuses that exist.

But law firm online marketing and SEO work, when done well. Let’s discuss a few ways to make SEO work for your firm.

How much of your marketing strategy should take place online? Here’s How to Find the Right Marketing Strategy for your Law Practice from Susan Letterman White. | Mass LOMAP Resource |

The Art of Being Found

The majority of people (95%) only look at the first page of search results. If your firm shows up on the second page or the pages after, most potential clients won’t see it. This is where your online marketing and SEO strategies make all the difference.

SEO, or “search engine optimization,” is a digital marketing discipline that focuses on optimizing your content to improve your website’s visibility in search engine results. SEO can be further defined to mean the work you do to make sure your website and its content are the perfect fit for the potential client who finds you.

When Google crawls your website, it is looking for relevancy to the search term your client is searching. Optimizing your website for search makes it easier for search engines to crawl, serving up relevant content instantly. Once your potential client hits your website, the content there should also be visibly appealing and relevant to their needs. This is the art of being found, in a nutshell.

How to Make the Most of Your Law Firm Online Marketing Efforts

Real results that place you on the first page of Google using SEO will take time. However, if you’re ready to simply enhance your web presence, these tips will help you make the most out of your law firm’s marketing content and SEO.

1. Write to your Target Audience

First things first, you need to identify who your target audience is and shape your online marketing strategy around them. Who is your ideal client? What are they looking for? Once you know the answers to these questions, you’ll be able to produce content that delivers. When they search, they’ll find relevant content directly from you.

2. Research the Best Keywords

You’ll need to research the terms and phrases your potential client will use when they search for your services. You can use Google’s Keyword Planner to start researching relevant keywords tailored to your content.

3. Consider your Keyword Placement

Your website content should include target keywords placed strategically on each page. For instance, your target keyword should appear in the URL, near the top of each page and naturally throughout your content. Just don’t force it. This is just one element of on-page SEO and it’s essential for your site’s optimization.

4. Think about your Content

When potential clients arrive from Google, make sure you have something to give. They visit your website to see what you have to offer. Make your copy relevant, make it purposeful and make it good. Write clearly, speak to your audience directly and keep your content fresh.

These tips are just the beginning. To start seeing big results, you might consider hiring a professional to create an SEO and overarching online marketing strategy for your firm.

Here are 8 Tips to Maximize Your Law Firm’s Digital Marketing from Heidi Alexander. | Mass LOMAP Resource |

Watch Tech Tools for Client Development: Self-Directed Legal Marketing — a webinar presented by Vedia Jones-Richardson, Free + On-Demand | Mass LOMAP Resource |

Wondering if your Online Marketing Strategy is Enough?

Are your SEO and online legal marketing strategies delivering potential clients to your website? If not, you’re missing out. To find out where you can improve here and elsewhere in running your law firm, take the Lawyerist Small Firm ScorecardTM assessment to find out.

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CATEGORIES: Marketing | Technology

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