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lawyer entrepreneurs

The Lawyer Entrepreneur: What, Why, and How [Webinar]

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In this installment of Webinars for Busy Lawyers, Dan Lear will help you cut through the overwhelming opportunities for entrepreneurialism so you don’t miss a chance to innovate your career — in 25 minutes.

We are living through the golden age of entrepreneurship. The cost of starting a business and access to tools to make that business go have never been lower. Beyond that, there’s a wealth of entrepreneurship tools, resources, and communities at the ready. Add that to the democratization of information that is rapidly changing the practice of law and opportunities abound for smart, enterprising lawyers to build compelling, unique, and profitable businesses.

Tune in as Dan Lear, lawyer entrepreneur himself, provides a compelling picture of how lawyers can build not only 21st century law practices, but 21st century businesses and communities and movements.

About the Expert

Dan Lear is a technology lawyer, facilitator, and blogger and is currently the principal at Right Brain Law, a legal technology consulting firm. Find him on Twitter at @rightbrainlaw.

When you know you’re ready to innovate your career, get to work on our (free!) 5-part Career Research & Development Workbook Series, introduced here.

| Mass LOMAP Resource |

CATEGORIES: Career Planning & Transition | Webinars for Busy Lawyers

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