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ABA TECHSHOW 2020 in Chicago: Worth Traveling for Lawyers from Massachusetts

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Registration is open and Early Bird pricing is in effect for ABA TECHSHOW 2020 in Chicago on February 26 – 29. Don’t wait another year to find the tools and inspiration you need to innovate your law practice and career.

Success in law practice is increasingly dependent on technology. Technology is at the core of productivity from every angle, including the substantive practice, office administration, marketing, client experience, and more — and it can have powerful impact on personal well-being.

Now its 34th year, ABA TECHSHOW continues to offer paths to innovation for lawyers at any level of sophistication, providing tools, resources, and inspiration to take your knowledge and use of technology in law practice to the next level. ABA TECHSHOW tackles everything from basic technological skills to the most forward-thinking concepts. This year, the conference will feature sessions on topics related to maintaining lawyer well-being, preparing your firm for future changes, navigating the human element of technology, employing analytics and data in practice, advancements in artificial intelligence and its application to the legal industry, automating your practice for efficiency, attracting clients and managing the client experience, litigating and courtroom technology, securing your data, and much more!

REGISTER HERE with our discount code: EP2018 to save more on early bird pricing.

Each year, ABA TECHSHOW brings together lawyers, legal professionals, educators, judges, law students, entrepreneurs, and other individuals to learn from each other and make lasting personal connections. Meet Up groups will convene throughout the conference, allowing attendees to discuss everything from specific technology related to their practice areas to women in legal technology and innovation in practice. You’ll also have the opportunity to kick back in the expo hall lounge and chat with legal technologists about new developments in legal technology and how their products are helping lawyers succeed in their practices. And ABA TECHSHOW 2020 makes it easy to connect body and mind with a 5k run, yoga sessions, and peer support groups organized for conference attendees.

This year’s Planning Board — co-chaired by our own deputy director, Heidi Alexander — is excited to create space to address a number of related and essential topics that impact the legal profession such as the decline in lawyer well-being, diversity and inclusion, modern client demands, as well as advancements in legal education and innovation in law practice. A Riot Rebels Luncheon and a live band performance will help highlight and celebrate some of the leaders and rebels in innovation and women in legal technology, and will provide a great opportunity to catch up with friends and meet new ones. This year’s conference will feature an “UnTrack for Doers” focused on what attorneys are doing in their practices with technology, as well as a Workshop Track on Saturday that will feature a session on applying Design Thinking led by Mass LOMAP Practice Advisor Susan Letterman White.

REGISTER HERE with our discount code: EP2018 to save more on early bird pricing.

CATEGORIES: Announcements | Technology

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