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Election-Related Anxiety: Self-Care Tips & Support for the Massachusetts Legal Profession

This article is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be used in place of professional advice, treatment, or care in any way. Lawyers, law students, judges, and other legal professionals in Massachusetts can find more on scheduling a Free & Confidential appointment with a licensed clinician here.

Feelings of anxiety related to this election season and potential aftermath are pervasive, and can be especially overwhelming for those in the legal profession.


This election cycle is a common source of anxiety regardless of party affiliation and voting intentions. Our mental health, empathy, and productivity all suffer when we fail to recognize our own stress. While self-care might not solve any election-related problems directly, it’s critical for our individual well-being and capacity to create the change we hope to see.


12 Self-Care Tips for the Election Anxiety We’re All Feeling from Irina Gonzalez were recently published by The Temper, an online resource that “explores life through the lens of sobriety, addiction, and recovery.” We’ve written about the importance of self-care from a variety of angles in the past, and wanted to share these timely suggestions, which you can find more on in the full post of the The Temper:

  1. Take a social media break; use it more mindfully.
  2. Limit your news intake.
  3. Go outside into nature.
  4. Don’t look at your phone at night.
  5. Meditate or find other mindfulness practices.
  6. Go to bed early. Take a nap.
  7. Create a comfortable space.
  8. Watch happy TV.
  9. Take a mental health day.
  10. Get your blood pumping.
  11. Think about how you can impact the future.
  12. Remember that all things pass.


In case trying to practice self-care feels like option overload, particularly in times of crisis, consider the “Pick Three” strategy. In a “business how-to and self-help guide” entitled Pick Three: You Can Have It All (Just Not Every Day), Randi Zuckerberg suggests looking at five key areas: Work, Sleep, Family, Friends, Fitness. As she explains in this article for Quartz,

In order to set myself up for success, I know I can only realistically do three things well every day. So, every day when I wake up, I think to myself: Work. Sleep. Family. Friends. Fitness. Pick Three. I can pick a different three tomorrow, and a different three the following day. But today, I can only pick three. As long as I wind up picking everything over the long run, then I’m balancing my imbalance. It’s solving the great entrepreneur’s dilemma.


   Free & Confidential Consultations:

Lawyers, law students, and judges in Massachusetts can discuss concerns with a licensed therapist, law practice advisor, or both. Find more on scheduling here. The impact of the election can carry a heavier weight for those sworn to uphold justice. You can also find communities of support in our Free & Confidential Groups.

CATEGORIES: Anxiety | Well-Being
TAGS: self-care

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