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  1. Stress Mindset.
    Academic challenges, personal relationships, work relationships, money problems, health problems, grief — it does sound negative, but your response can be positive. More Here.
  2. Time Limits.
    Pay attention to your priorities and learn time management now. More Here.
  3. Wellness v. Competence?
    Afraid to improve your mental resilience because the BBE looks at competence? We can help you straighten that out. More Here.
  4. Self-Care?
    Self-care starts with sufficient sleep cycles. Sleep requires healthy boundaries. Why is self-care so hard for lawyers? More Here.
  5. Learning to Cope.
    Some coping methods can really help you ignore stress — but all the stress is still there. More Here.


  1. Career Development + Networking.
    You’re the only CEO of your career, even if you’re still figuring out what kind of career it should be. Take control. More Here.
  2. Starting Your Own Law Practice.
    Anyone thinking of “Starting Out Solo” needs strategic help — tools, resources, networks, supports. More Here.
  3. Automation + Technology.
    The robots are coming, and you better keep your client data safe while you gain all the advantages AI can deliver. More Here.
  4. Rainmaking + Communication.
    If selling makes you uncomfortable, you’re in the right profession, really. But you really do need to communicate your value. More Here.
  5. Ethics + Risk Management.
    From client file preservation to technology competence, we explain Rules in context and share the systems and processes busy lawyers need to stay compliant. More Here.

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