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MBA Legal Technology Expo Recap: Stay Connected

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This being the one week anniversary of the Massachusetts Bar Association’s Legal Technology Expo, it seems a fitting enough time for a recap, it having had time enough to breathe now. (You can read the MBA’s official recap here; you can read my unofficial recap below.)

The MBA’s Legal Technology Expo was a three-quarters day conference that took place at the Sheraton Framingham on March 20. It was a tremendous success, and a testament to the hard work of the MBA staff, leadership and membership; the program was attended by over 150 people. The Tech Expo fell somewhere in the middle ground of an impressive run of legal technology expositions. I wrote about February’s LegalTech New York expo in this space previously; that was followed by the first-ever ABA TECHSHOW Road Show, held at the MBA, and from which I live-blogged (I still have to ice my fingertips three hours a night); and, the MBA’s Tech Expo will be followed by the granddaddy of them all: the ABA’s TECHSHOW 2009, held in Chicago from April 2 through 4–more on this later. The MBA’s Legal Technology Expo, the brainchild of the MBA’s Law Practice Management Section Council, co-chaired by whirling dervish Alan Klevan and LOMAP Director Rodney Dowell, featured heavy participation from LOMAP.

Rodney and Alan presented on the topics of how to go paperless and how to comply with the new personal information security regime set to go into effect on January 1, and determined by Massachusetts General Law Chapter 93H and the following regulations, 201 CMR 17. Jared presented on the topic of Outlook email tips, and joined a panel of presenters speaking about various subjects, including: internet marketing, voice dictation and the use of dual computer monitors. A full list of programming may be found here. In all, the Legal Tech Expo was a gathering spot for those 150+ attendees, 7 presenters and 18 vendors.

Now, if you’re not all teched-out at this point, and this sounds like a hell of a lot of fun to you, but you weren’t able to make the program, or you felt like you were overwhelmed when you were there, Fear Not! And, don’t be sad. It lives!

There remain a number of ways for you to access, and to continue to access, the MBA’s Legal Technology Expo. You can do so on your own time, and at your leisure. How convenient is that? Ain’t the internet grand? So you can now catch on, or catch up, as follows:

Access the Presentation Documents here.

Find the participating Vendor List here.

Review the Twitter Feed here.

Look for an Online Video of the “Compliance with the New Privacy Regulations” Session Coming Soon! Watch these spots for further details:,, and

(We owe a big Thank You to Catuogno Court Reporting Services, the Expo Gold Sponsor, for providing videography services.)

Want more? We got more. Chicago might be your kind of town. There is still time to make arrangements for your attendance at the ABA’s TECHSHOW 2009 in Chicago. LOMAP is still offering a $100 discount on TECHSHOW registration fees. More information is available at the top of our website; and, the information will remain there until TECHSHOW begins, so it’s not too late yet . . . and won’t be for a few more days now. TECHSHOW may just blow away anything else you’ve seen.

Of course, there are not enough hours in the day, and not enough days in a life (unless you can time travel and shred like this guy) to use all of this technology. However, the only way you can determine which technology you would like to use, is to expose yourself to the options. The way to be efficient about your searching is to access the most possible options at one time. These sorts of shows provide you with a great opportunity to get into products and to ask the experts about those products, such that you can make the most informed decision possible about your technology profile.

CATEGORIES: Law Firm Management | Lawyer's Quality of Life | Productivity | Technology

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