Traditional Marketing for Law Offices
Even in a world in which Internet advertising dominates, there is a significant place for traditional marketing; and, the best rainmakers split their efforts for maximum coverage. When clients come from trusted referral sources, you’ll need to spend less time vetting the potential client, and you’re more likely to get paid for your work. It can take time to build up a strong network of referral network, so start now by joining and engaging in bar associations, alumni networks, and other community groups.
Getting the Word Out About a New Practice
Old School Marketing in the Legal World (Legal Toolkit Podcast)
Lawyers Should Network with Other Professionals, Too
Best Practice Referral Marketing Tips
10 Inexpensive Ways to Market Your Practice
The Power of Legal Referrals (Legal Toolkit Podcast)
Marketing Your Practice Through CLE (Legal Toolkit Podcast)
Love in an Elevator: Convey Your Zeal, Competence and Confidence in Sixty Seconds or Less
Funnel Vision: Elevating Your Elevator Speech
Maximize Your Impact by Boosting Your Internal Image
Personal Branding for Lawyers (Legal Toolkit Podcast)
Brand Oh!: Making a Stellar Name for Yourself, or Your Firm
Carded!: 10 Ways to Make Your Business Card Your Calling Card
Selling in Your Comfort Zone: Safe and Effective Strategies for Developing New Business (Robert N. Kohn & Lawrence M. Kohn, American Bar Association)
Personal Branding in One Hour for Lawyers (Katy Goshtasbi, American Bar Association)
Power and Influence for Lawyers: How to Use It to Develop Business and Advance Your Career (Susan Letterman White, West)
The Ultimate Sales Letter: Attract New Customers, Boost Your Sales (Dan S. Kennedy, Adams Business)
Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable (Seth Godin, Penguin)
The Lawyer’s Guide to Building Your Practice with Referrals (Steven J. Shaer, American Bar Association)
Referral Marketing: The Key to a Profitable Practice by Edmund J. Gordon & Joseph A. Hernandez
Best Practices in Building Your Personal Network for Attorneys (Allen Boress & Michael G. Cummings, SAGE Professional)
Through the Client’s Eyes: New Approaches to Get Clients to Hire You Again and Again (Henry W. Ewalt & Andrew W. Ewalt, American Bar Association)
The Lawyer’s Guide to Marketing Your Practice (James A. Durham & Deborah McMurray, American Bar Association)
The Lawyer’s Field Guide to Effective Business Development (William J. Flannery, Jr., American Bar Association)
The Little Black Book: A Lawyer’s Guide to Creating A Marketing Habit (Paula Black, Paula Black & Associates)
Women Rainmakers’ Best Marketing Tips (Theda C. Snyder, American Bar Association)
How to Capture and Keep Clients: Marketing Strategies for Lawyers (Jennifer J. Rose, American Bar Association)
Market You Must for Lawyers (Phyllis Sisenwine & Barbara Nelson, Powerful Solutions, Inc.)