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Courtroom Presence [MCLE Program]


December 8, 2020 9:30 am - 12:30 pm

Persuasive oral advocacy—whether at trial or during important hearings—requires a strong presence in the courtroom. Developing and possessing a confident, undeniably credible style and demeanor is critical to any presentation in your courtroom. Whether a judge or a jury is your audience, you must be aware of how you are perceived in court.

This program helps you discover and enhance your own professional image by learning about the communication styles and techniques that win from the lawyers with a proven record of doing so. Learn from the experts how differing styles can be effective and that there is no one-size-fits-all approach that works for everyone. Hear Judges explain how much an impact an attorney’s presence has—for them and a jury. You be the judge as expert litigators disagree on which strategies carry the day.



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