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How to Improve Your Branding & Your Competitive Advantage (GNBA Event)


March 10, 2022 5:00 pm

Hosted by the Greater Newburyport Bar Association




There are a lot of family lawyers in Massachusetts, for sure. Throw a rock from any corner, and you hit 8 of them. And, most family law firms market their practices in pretty much the same way. So, it’s hard to differentiate yourself from the crowd. But, even a little twist on the common marketing tactics that family attorneys rely on, can become a massive competitive advantage.

In this session, we’ll cover new school marketing tactics for family law firms. Most law firms rely on traditional legal marketing, tactics like networking . . . and, that’s about it. So, there’s a lot of ground to cover!

Then, that’s where you come in: we’ll address each attendees’ current marketing tactics, and assign everybody in attendance specific marketing goals for the next quarter.

Attend & Learn:

What are the indices of effective logo & website design/redesign

How to enhance your engagement strategies

How do you implement a content marketing program

Why you should consider paid advertising tactics

How can you adjust to current marketing trends


Jared D. Correia, Esq.

CEO | Red Cave Law Firm Consulting

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