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Invites You to join us at our Annual James A. Brink Fellowship Dinner on Thursday, May 7, 2015

at the Omni Parker House, 60 School St., Boston, MA

Our Key Note speaker will be:  The Honorable Roderick L. Ireland, (Ret.)

Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court

6:00 PM – President’s Reception – 7:00 PM – Dinner

Please print and attach the RSVP below with your check to:

Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers, Inc.

31 Milk St., Ste. 810

Boston, MA  02109


James A. Brink Fellowship Dinner

R.S.V.P. by April 30, 2014 (Limited seating)

____   I wish to make reservations ______  at $35 per person.

_____ I would like to contribute to the Fellowship Dinner Fund, which provides dinner scholarships for our volunteers.    $ _____  is enclosed.

Enclosed is my check for a total of $ _______ made payable to: LCL

Attendee Entrée Selection

_____Boston Schrod _____ Chicken Breast

_____Boston Schrod _____ Chicken Breast

_____Boston Schrod _____ Chicken Breast

_____Boston Schrod _____ Chicken Breast

_____ Boston Schrod _____ Chicken Breast

Vegetarian Entrée: Vegetable & Spinach Risotto cake ______ *

Please put asterisk next to name for Vegetarian entree


CATEGORIES: Announcements | LCL Offerings | Uncategorized

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