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Attorney Anna Levine
Executive Director, LCL

Dr. Shawn Healy
Clinical Psychologist, LCL

Prioritizing Self-Care as a Lawyer

These programs are exclusively for attorneys working in CPCS’s CAFL Division and are approved for 2 CPCS CLE credits.

February 26 from 1p – 3p | Berkshire Athenaeum
Email Dorothy Storrow ( to confirm your attendance.

March 27 from 1p – 3p | Springfield Juvenile Court
No registration/confirmation is required.

Work for CPCS’s Children and Family Law Division adds unique sources of stress to the already high volume most lawyers experience. With more stress, it’s more important for you to understand how to respond positively to it.

This program will give you practical tools and approaches to:

  • increase organization + productivity,
  • avoid burnout,
  • cope with vicarious trauma,
  • create healthy boundaries, and
  • deescalate conflicts
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