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Headshot of Heidi Alexander, Esq. | Deputy Director at LCL

Heidi joined LCL in 2012 and until March 2020 served as the Deputy Director of LCL and Director of LCL’s practice management program (Mass LOMAP). Mass LOMAP provides free and confidential practice management assistance, guidance in implementing new law office technologies, and methods to attain healthy and sustainable practices. Heidi publishes and speaks regularly on law office management, technology, and productivity. She is the author of Evernote as a Law Practice Tool. Heidi serves on and leads a number of volunteer boards and committees. In 2017, Heidi was appointed to the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court’s Standing Advisory Committee on Professionalism.

Prior to joining LCL, Heidi owned a law practice and consulting business, practiced employment law at a Boston-based law firm, clerked for a justice on the highest court of New Jersey, and worked for a nonprofit women’s business assistance center helping low income and minority women launch and grow their businesses. Heidi is a native of Minnesota, a graduate of Amherst College, a graduate of Rutgers School of Law, where she was the editor-in-chief of the Rutgers Law Review, and is the proud mother of three amazing children.

Heidi can be reached on Twitter (@heidialexander), or via her LinkedIn profile.

Heidi now serves as the Director of the Massachusetts SJC Standing Committee on Lawyer Well-Being.

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