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Balancing the Scales: A film by Sharon Rowen (Free Social Law Library Event)


March 23, 2021 5:00 pm


A free and unique event – access the film at home and join us for an insightful panel discussion on ZOOM from 5:00 – 6:00 P.M., Tuesday, March 23, 2021.


  • Sharon Rowen, Esq., Rowen & Klonoski, P.C., Filmmaker (moderator)
  • Hon. Amy Blake, Massachusetts Appeals Court; 
  • Hon. Janine Rivers, Probate and Family Court;
  • Lisa Cukier, Esq., Burns & Levinson, LLP;
  • Lizette Pérez-Deisboeck, Esq., Battery-Ventures;

balancing-movieBased on interviews conducted over two decades, Balancing the Scales is an insightful look at the story of women lawyers in America. The interviewees include a broad array of lawyers and judges across five generations, including Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, civil rights attorney Gloria Allred, and Roe v. Wade attorney Margie Pitts Hames. Interviews also include state Supreme Court and Appellate Court justices, women equity partners, minority women, associates, and students. They tell their own remarkable and often hilarious stories, from pioneers who paved the way for today’s law students, who don’t yet understand the difficulties they will face in the workplace. It explores how discrimination has shifted from overt to subtle, and why women are leaving the profession in droves. It highlights the deep cultural biases and the ingrained presumptions about both the “work” and the “life” parts of the work-life balance. Finally, the film explains why the promotion of women to top positions is good for both society and firms’ bottom lines.

Register for this event and view the movie via streaming ahead of the program date and join us for an intriguing and informative discussion with our panel.

Complete your registration for the panel discussion via the link in the confirmation email. Log in information for the film will be emailed to you 10-14 days ahead of the program date.


Questions: Contact Mike Saporito at msaporito@socialaw.com. The views expressed are those of the director and guests and not necessarily of the Library. Registrants for this program acknowledge that during the program their photographic or videographic images may be incidentally taken; registrants agree that the submission of their registrations for this program constitutes their written consent to the Social Law Library.

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