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Bar Exam Coaching Workshop: Stress Management (BBA Event)


February 3, 2021 3:00 pm


The BBA presents live webinars and virtual events via Zoom. Please register for this program through your BBA account at least two hours before the start time of the program to receive the Zoom webinar link.

The BBA welcomes all graduates preparing for the bar exam to a stress management workshop. Shawn Healy, Clinical Psychologist at Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers, will offer insight and guidance on managing the stresses and expectations that come with preparing for the bar exam. This event is part of the BBA’s Bar Exam Coaching program. If you are interested in receiving a coach, you can sign up for the program here. This workshop will take place via Zoom.

The presentation is geared towards the applicants in the Bar Exam Coaching Program, though coaches are also encouraged to attend! Please reach out to Doug Newton at with any questions.

BBA Webinars &  Virtual Events are supported by the Joan B. DiCola Fund. To learn more or support this fund, click here.



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