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Lawyer Well-Being: Thriving in Today’s New “Normal” (ALI-CLE)


April 22, 2021 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

This event is hosted by the American Law Institute Continuing Legal Education

The simple dictionary definition of well-being is the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy. Certainly, for lawyers, well-being includes a personal desire to be “comfortable” and “happy”. Also, attorneys who enjoy a healthier well-being experience more job satisfaction and career longevity. But well-being within the profession is now almost a condition of practice – encompassing one’s ability to effectively serve clients better. Sadly, industry reports reflect a well-being deficit within the profession, with higher instances of substance abuse, depression, anxiety, and poor physical health when compared to other professions. And unfortunately, the stress of COVID-19 has compounded these issues for lawyers. Register for this program to appreciate the state of lawyer well-being today, to learn about the early warning signs of unhealthy behaviors, and to develop strategies to thrive, not just survive, during COVID-19.




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