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Intro to Reducing Unconscious Bias Through Mindfulness [MILS/New England Chapter Meeting]


July 9, 2020 8:30 am

The next MILS/New England Chapter meeting will be held via Zoom on Thursday, July 9th from 8:30 a.m. ET – 9:45 a.m. ET.  Zoom details will be provided those who RSVP. 

The featured program will be: Reducing Unconscious Bias Through Mindfulness co-led by Brenda Fingold, former large firm litigator and certified mindfulness teacher at the Mindfulness Center at Brown School of Public Health, and Marguerite Fletcher of Fletcher Consulting. Marguerite is a former large law firm transactional attorney who consults nationally with legal organizations on diversity and inclusion issues.  This program will provide an introduction to the possibilities that mindfulness provides for increasing awareness of unconscious bias and strengthening the capacity to make new and more skillful choices.

Guests are welcome to attend this session. Click Here to RSVP by email to Laurie Cappello, Co-Chair MILS/New England Chapter.

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