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Successful District Court Zoom Trials (GNBA Event)


February 25, 2021 4:30 pm

Join Judge Mary McCabe, Newburyport District Court, as she speaks with Attorney Nicole Reilly, Reilly & Rosnov, Danvers, about how you can improve your Zoom experience and increase your success in District Court hearings and trials. After participating in a multitude of Zoom proceedings, Judge McCabe will share her valuable tips about how to more effectively present your cases.

Attend & Learn:

  • How to introduce evidence and exhibits
  • How to argue effectively via zoom
  • What do courts expect
  • What the judge says works and does not work
  • What are the latest court rules for conducting hearings and trials
  • How to prepare your client for Zoom testimony
  • What to do while waiting for your zoom trial to start;


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