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Workplace Abuse and Bullying: Understanding the Impact on Lawyer Well-Being and the Ethical Practice of Law [ABA Webinar]


August 16, 2021 1:00 pm

Hosted by the American Bar Association



Incivility in the legal profession is not a new concern. But workplace abuse and bullying involve behavior akin to domestic violence, including psychological aggression, dominance, and control. What are the key components of workplace abuse? How are targets harmed and traumatized? What is the impact of workplace abuse on the ethical practice of law, lawyer well-being, and the performance of lawyers and organizations? The panel will discuss these questions and more.

Workplace abuse and bullying in the legal profession are widespread and dangerous to the ethical practice of law, lawyer well-being, and economic performance. The nation’s two leading experts, Gary Namie, a social psychologist and co-founder of the Workplace Bullying Institute, and David Yamada, Professor of Law and Director of the New Workplace Institute at Suffolk University Law School, will discuss with Dr. Robin Wolpert, Sapientia Law Group, the following topics: who is targeted for abuse, the traumas and harm experienced by targets, the impact of abuse on colleagues and bystanders, and why legal institutions fail to recognize, prevent, or correct abusive conduct even in the face of high organizational costs. This ethics and well-being webinar will inform and empower you to recognize what is happening, protect yourself and others, and build resilience. The panel will conclude by examining the nature and scope of the obligations under Model Rule 8.4 and how to be an agent rather than observer in working to promote well-being in the legal profession.

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