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Free & Confidential well-being and practice management services for the Massachusetts legal profession. More about us.


We’re working with the new Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Standing Committee on Lawyer Well-Being to expand our services as quickly as possible to accommodate individual and institutional needs in the profession. We’re eager to help and we’re grateful for the time you take to share your needs on the surveys below.


Free & Confidential Services for Lawyers, Law Students, and Judges in Massachusetts.

Our organization is here to deliver what lawyers need for well-being. Please help inform our next steps.


Free & Confidential Services for organizations in the Massachusetts legal community.

  • Presentations and Trainings
  • Ongoing Support Groups
  • Resource Collaborations

We’re here to help you do your part in advancing lawyer well-being. Please tell us how at the links below.

Bar Association Leadership

Law School Leadership

Law Firm Leadership

Nonprofit Legal Services Leadership

Other Legal Employer Leadership

Court Leadership

Interested in Volunteering?

Do you want to help us improve well-being in the legal profession? Or do you have concerns about a colleague’s well-being? Click here.

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