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Blog Posts on Stress and Burnout [LCLMA]
Blog Posts on Depression and Anxiety [LCLMA]
External Resources:
Attention Deficit Disorder Association
a non-profit organiation providing information, resources, and networking to adults with ADHD and to the professionals who work with them
Children & Adults with ADHD
web site for CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder), includes a range of information and resources
Emotions Anonymous
people who come together in weekly meetings for the purpose of working toward recovery from emotional difficulties
Mental Health Net
vast array of information and resources
Obsessive Compulsive Anonymous
12-step program applied to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Obsessive-Compulsive Foundation
not-for-profit organization providing assistance to individuals with OCD and related disorders, their family and friends
Recovery International
self-help groups for mental health problems
The Samaritans of Boston
crisis and suicide hotline and support