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LOMAP to Blog Live from the ABA TECHSHOW Road Show February 11

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I will be Live Blogging from the February 11 ABA TECHSHOW Road Show, which takes place at the MBA’s Boston office this Wednesday from 9:30 to 3:45.

The Road Show will feature nationally prominent law practice management advisors, including our very own Rodney Dowell. I’ll be engaged in an interactive marathon Live Blog for the entire show. There are five program sets established, with the choice between two events for each. I will be attending the following sessions:

9:30 to 10:30 — The Mobile Office: Take Your Desktop in Your Pocket

10:45 to 11:45 — Turbocharge Your Practice With Affordable Technology

12:00 to 1:15 — 60 Law Practice Management Tips in 60 Minutes

1:30 to 2:30 — PDF-ing for Lawyers

2:45 to 3:45 — The Lawyer’s Guide to Managing Client and Case Information with Outlook

Join the conversation as below:

Live from the ABA Techshow Road Show

And, go easy on me . . . This is our first-ever Live Blog!

If you miss the Live Blog, it’ll be archived in this space following the completion of the ABA TECHSHOW Road Show.

Any access questions, give me a call (before the event) at (857) 383-3252. I hope to chat with you this Wednesday.

If you’re crazy enough to try Live Blogging yourself, you can use Cover It Live for free, too!

CATEGORIES: Law Practice Startup | Productivity | Risk Management | Technology

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