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Law Practice the Other Day: Latest Issue of ABA eZine focuses to In-House Attorneys and New Partners

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Just last post, I was talkin’ all about how I didn’t write about niche topics and stuff.

Well, this post comes with my introductory, profound apologies for being a downright, filthy liar, because here I am again, talkin’ ‘bout, as far as you can tell from the title, issues of interest to in-house counsel and new partners.

Well, actually, now I don’t feel so bad, thinking twice: that’s a fairly broad spectrum of folks potentially to reach. And, the post last time, about intellectual property law, seemed to generate some decent buzz. Or, so my buzz machine told.

I suppose, if nothing else, that I am consistently inconsistent, and like the baby dinosaur on that old television series about dinosaurs, you ‘gotta love me’.

And, if you’re in-house counsel, or a new partner, you’re really gonna love me, because I’m telling you to check out November’s issue of the American Bar Association Law Practice Management Section’s eZine, Law Practice Today. The November issue, accessible here, is literally made for you, and was just released a few days gone. As always, LPT (that’s what I’m abbreviating it to from here, because it makes it sounds like a rock band or a motor oil) takes a discrete subject, or subject areas, and breaks down component parts via discussion in the form of in-depth articles fashioned by industry experts. This issue being no exception, wide-eyed new partners can expect to learn about marketing and networking (including how to make pitches and how to market ethically), the potential pitfalls of partnership, economic considerations attached to making the move and managing the transition in. Settling in-house counsel will see articles addressed to them on topics such as business development and networking, ethics and liability risks, professional development and managing the transition. Of course, any sort of attorney may find value in this issue of LPT, drawn either from the general articles, or by extrapolation from issue articles. . . . Ah, that’s good. Aaaaand, we’re back.

And, lest I forget . . . you can also access Jim Calloway and Sharon Nelson’s ever-popular “Digital Edge” podcast series, available at every issue of LPT–only this time, it’s the annual “High Tech Toys for the Holidays” edition. So, be sure to check that out, as well.

If you’re experiencing a vague sense of déjà vu right about now, that may be because you’ve already seen this month’s edition of LPT. You see, if you subscribe to LOMAP’s emailing list, one of the things we do is send you an email version of LPT each month. If that sounds really awesome, and you’re not on the emailing list, do yourself a solid, and join. You can sign up for our emailing list, which features that monthly edition of LPT, as well as our quarterly eNewsletter, by completing the form available here.

CATEGORIES: Law Firm Management | Marketing | Planning | Risk Management | Technology

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