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A Firm(er) Future: Boston Conference Offers Best in Law Practice Management and Legal Technology Fare

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On December 1, 2010, from 8 am – 2:30 pm, the Warren Group, in association with the Massachusetts Bar Association and Massachusetts Lawyers Journal, will present the very first FirmFuture Conference. FirmFuture purports to play host to a world of opportunity for those who leverage the latest strategies and technology. Sounds pretty good, right? (For those of you who have clicked through to the website at this point, and who have seen the FirmFuture logo, you may be thinking that this is all some sort of nuclear fission experiment gone horribly wrong. Fear not. It isn’t. At least, I don’t think it is. Assuming we’re not all lambs being led to the slaughter . . .) The FirmFuture Conference offers a nice, packaged opportunity to see the best of what’s around in legal technology and law practice management. You’ll have access to top-flight speakers, a number of law and technology vendors, colleagues with similar interests, potential business referrals and contacts, some free food, conference schwag, and etc. For those of you who have previously attended the ABA’s TECHSHOW on the road at the Massachusetts Bar Association, or one of the MBA’s prior Legal Tech Expos, this program is an outgrowth of those. For those of you who did not attend those shows, and who are now feeling a little left out, well . . . now’s your chance to come find out what you missed.

And, of course, if it’s a show about law practice management and legal technology, you know the LOMAP team will be out in force, this conference being no exception. This is like our Woodstock. (God, that’s depressing. Wouldn’t it be much cooler if our Woodstock was actually more like the real Woodstock. Apparently, my sideburns do not make me as cool as Stephen Stills.) And, if you promise to behave yourself in the moshing pit, you can see Rodney and/or I presenting on a number of panels at the show. (For a full list of speakers and subjects, see the conference agenda, here.) Topics we’ll cover include: the virtual practice, the paperless office, sixty useful websites for your firm covered in sixty (or, forty-five) minutes and practice start-up. (Yeah, that’s a lot; we’re just really very sick individuals.) So, if you ever wanted to overdose on law practice management and legal technology, just like (well, sort of like) that kid from Willy Wonka (the original with Gene Wilder, not that horrid remake), FirmFuture is where you want to be the first of December.

But, if you’re gonna go, don’t pay for it. You can get into the entire show, plus the buffet lunch, for free, if you register through LOMAP. Use this link to register through us, and you won’t have to pay a dime to access all that FirmFuture has to offer.

Who loves ya, baby.

CATEGORIES: Law Firm Management | Law Practice Startup | Marketing | Productivity | Risk Management | Technology

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