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LCL’s Professional Conduct Group

This article is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be used in place of professional advice, treatment, or care in any way. Lawyers, law students, judges, and other legal professionals in Massachusetts can find more on scheduling a Free & Confidential appointment with a licensed clinician here.

Legal practice is a “tough assignment” for most every attorney out there, even if they love what they do! There are so many different elements to practice between managing client expectations, getting paid, keeping up with practice demands, court schedules, and your own sense of success and satisfaction. There are times when the practice becomes overwhelming and mistakes happen, client lodge complaints, or the IOLTA check bounces and the BBO get involved. It is important to understand the need to get help when this happens.

LCL runs a Free & Confidential group for lawyers who get into trouble in a multitude of ways with their practice. Their issues are often recognizable and common, such that some attorneys exhale in relief each time no BBO letter arrives. But sometimes, the letter does arrive.

The group is helpful to lawyers who need a safe place to talk about what happened to prompt the discipline, allowing them the space and time to come to terms with their responsibility in the discipline process. Our professionally facilitated group discussion also assists them in dealing with the loss of a practice identity and income, as a lawyer’s professional identity is their “bread and butter,” and when they are disciplined or suspended for a period of time they need to confront issues related to lack of income. Our group provides space to discuss a range of concerns, including how attorneys under discipline will address and deal with colleagues or clients who call them looking for help.

If you are a lawyer in some trouble with the BBO or a lawyer who is representing a lawyer at the BBO, call LCL to discuss how our Professional Conduct Group can help and schedule a screening interview: 617 482 9600.

Barbara J. Bowe, LICSW

CATEGORIES: Announcements

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