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Windows Ex-P: Popular Operating System May Become Hackers’ Paradise

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Recently, guest poster Jeffery Clark covered the impending demise of Microsoft’s extended support for Windows XP, which will sunset on April 8, 2014. In his thoughtful and detailed post, Jeffrey relayed a number of options for moving on from XP.
Not that folks are actually getting a move on . . . It’s estimated that 30-40% of the world’s computers still run XP as an operating system. If you’re an attorney, and you’re still using XP, you’re likely to be putting your systems (and your client information) at risk, in the near term. Some experts suggest that the sunsetting of extended support for Windows XP will result in a hackers’ ‘feeding frenzy,’ as this article, from Computer World (and brought to my attention by the erstwhile Jim Calloway), covers in detail.
When it comes to Windows XP, it’s probably time to give up the ghost; and, Jeffrey’s post will help you to visualize your choices for a replacement, even if you don’t want to upgrade to another version of Windows.
This post originally appeared in the Massachusetts Bar Association‘s eJournal.

CATEGORIES: Law Firm Management | Planning | Risk Management | Technology

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