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Announcing Our New Startup Kit!

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2015 09 25 Startup Kit
Thinking about opening your own practice? Be aware, there’s a lot more to it then merely hanging a shingle and being a good lawyer. You’ll need to understand how to conduct an IOLTA three-way reconciliation, set a budget, manage client files, obtain malpractice insurance, implement technology, market your practice, and much much more. That’s where, we (MassLOMAP), come in. We’re here to help provide you with the resources and knowledge you need to start and run a small law practice.
Recently, we launched a new website, aimed to help you better access our resources. As part of that effort, we made available a Start-Up Kit for modern day attorneys who are contemplating or have recently started a new small practice. The Kit provides answers to commonly asked questions when starting a practice, such as:

  • Do I Need Malpractice Insurance?
  • Do I Need Startup Funds?
  • Where Should I Locate My Practice?
  • Should I Form a Legal Entity?
  • What Technology Do I Need to Startup My Practice?

Organized by topic area, we provide resources and recommendations on financial management, marketing, operations, risk management, and technology. With best practice tips and ethical guidance where necessary, we hope that this Kit will help you set the proper foundation for your small firm.
You can find our Start-Up Kit, here, at our website. For additional assistance in setting up your firm, you can attend a Start-Up Roundtable (offered on a quarterly basis), or consult with one of our law practice advisors.
APPropos – Apps for Your Mobile Practice.
Crystal: Blocks website ads on iOS 9 devices. Currently the number one paid app in the iOS App Store.
Skitch: Annotation app for desktop and mobile devices.
Google Authenticator: Generates codes for Google’s two-step verification and other third-party applications (such as Evernote, Facebook, Slack, and WordPress).

CATEGORIES: Career Planning & Transition | Client Relations | Law Firm Management | Law Practice Startup | Marketing | Planning | Productivity | Technology

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