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how to celebrate love your lawyer day

How to Celebrate Love Your Lawyer Day as a Lawyer

This article is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be used in place of professional advice, treatment, or care in any way. Lawyers, law students, judges, and other legal professionals in Massachusetts can find more on scheduling a Free & Confidential appointment with a licensed clinician here.

We love lawyers like it’s our job. (It pretty much is.) So we know how to celebrate Love Your Lawyer Day.

Step 1: Make more time for yourself. (Yes. This is actually humanly possible. Read on.)
Heidi recently compiled her best productivity tips into one post. These are easy to implement and seriously effective. Figure out which winning strategies to increase productivity you want to start with now!
Did you find the one productivity tip that didn’t sound so easy to implement? To really drive productivity and charge GTD + MIT, you need to leverage technology. If you haven’t already, Heidi wrote another post that will help you get ready to move your law practice to the cloud. And make sure you use the best practice management software for your needs. There are so many options. Heidi and other practice management experts offered tips to help you decide recently on Attorney at Work.
Tech is your tool, so control it. Otherwise, it will control you. (Too many humans-using-smartphones-looking-like-zombies memes to choose from.) Fortunately, as always, Heidi has your back. Find out how to limit tech overload now.
Step 2: Use the time you created to practice self-care. (This is actually a human necessity. Read on.)
One of our psychologists at LCL explained a root problem with lawyers and self-care in this post, which includes tips for improving yours. Find more about how lawyers can prioritize self-care in this subsequent post.
You can only sustain your humanness without regular self-care for so long before you’re off track. It’s easier to stay on track than to get back on. Start by understanding yourself and your decisions a bit more deeply with a post from our LCL colleague, Shawn, about what motivates us.
Part of human motivation is the desire to avoid pain. When avoiding pain isn’t possible, you’ll need a healthy way to handle it. Fortunately, you can find out how to deal with any problem in this blog post (also from Shawn).
A common problem among lawyers occurs when zealous advocacy state of mind blurs into people-pleasing. Figure out if you’re pleasing others at the expense of your own mental health and how to stop.
Finally, human connection is a uniquely important form of self-care. Talking to other lawyers who face stresses similar to yours can help. Check out LCL’s groups for Lawyers in Solo Practice, Moms Returning to Practice, and Peer Addiction Recovery Support. Find out more on groups we’re forming now and starting a new group here.

CATEGORIES: Lawyer's Quality of Life | Productivity | Uncategorized

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