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tech upgrades for lawyers 2018

Technology Lawyers Need to Adopt in 2018

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Find out what technology you need to focus on implementing in your law practice to elevate performance without burning out.

Some tech decisions are obvious, like opting to use a second monitor. But there’s an overwhelming range of choices to consider implementing across your law practice. If you’re a lawyer, you don’t have time to waste evaluating endless options. Tech exists to help us save time.

Automation tops the list of time-saving tech. To figure out where and what you should start automating in your law practice, read this post from Heidi.

Of course, tech has more to offer than time-saving abilities. And our friends at Attorney at Work sourced expert input on the most worthwhile tech to focus on in 2018. Heidi contributed the following:

Quality client service continues to remain one of the most essential aspects of a successful law practice. Indeed, elevating the needs of your clients will lead to more consistent collections, return clients, and referrals. While there is no doubt that focusing on client service has its time and place, the only way you can provide real value and efficacy to your clients is by putting yourself first.
There is something accurate underlying that annoying recitation to put your oxygen mask on first before helping others. The reality is that practice is stressful and if you ignore your own needs you will burn out. If you are so busy that you can’t stop to take a breath, it’s time to take a step back from your practice and focus on you. What does this all have to do with upgrading your legal tech?
Well, legal tech solutions are no longer a scarcity; essentially, you can find an existing product to suit any one of your practice needs. Most importantly, implementing a legal tech solution requires thoughtful research, vetting, planning, training, and more; not to mention budgetary considerations. If you don’t have the mental bandwidth or proper mindset to adequately implement legal tech, it will lead to frustration, increased costs, and ultimately failure.
That said, before you dive headlong into system upgrades, work on first taking care of you. Schedule time for yourself on a daily basis, try exercising regularly, learn about mindfulness, test out mediation using an app such as Headspace or Calm, or just take a moment to breathe (try setting a timer or use Apple Watch’s Breathe app). Better yet, if you can make these practices a habit, you’ll reduce stress and approach your practice with clear head, thus enabling you to effectively implement whatever tech your practice needs in 2018.

. . .

Heidi’s expert colleagues offered a range of other suggestions in the full post on Attorney at Work:

  • Consider a Client Portal
  • Use Intelligent Client Intake
  • Communicate on Slack
  • Bring Together Best of Breed Apps
  • Reduce Production Time
  • Safeguard your Digital Credentials

You can find more Tech Tips here and in the Friday 5+ Tech Tip archive.

With every passing year, tech becomes more critical in every industry. ABA TECHSHOW 2018 has everything lawyers need to know about practicing more efficiently, serving clients more effectively, and better managing our daily lives with the most useful practical tools available. Registration is now open with early rates until January 22: Use our Discount Code – EP1819.

CATEGORIES: Productivity | Technology | Uncategorized

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