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Nominations Open for Women of Legal Tech 2020

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Submit your nominations for the ABA’s LTRC Women of Legal Tech for 2020 by December 15, 2019.

The ABA’s Legal Technology Resource Center will present its annual Women of Legal Tech, and nominations are now openLTRC’s goal is to promote diversity, celebrate the women currently in the legal tech space, and to encourage more women to join. One of the American Bar Association’s core values is a commitment to diversity, which the Law Practice Division aims to reinforce in the legal tech sector. From tech founders and CEOs to small business owners, women are making a big impact on legal tech in every field.

Take time to think about your existing network — and anyone you add to it through December 15th — and complete the quick & easy nomination form here. No criteria restrict nominations — the LTRC Board will consider any candidate you submit.

Earlier this year, 15 women joined the ranks — now 100 strong — at the Women of Legal Tech Summit at ABA TECHSHOW 2019. Find a complete list of Women of Legal Tech honored in previous years here, beginning in 2015 when our own Heidi Alexander created the initial list published in Law Technology Today. The LTRC Board selected from over a hundred nominations in 2019.

Watch for more on the 2020 Women of Legal Tech Summit, and save the date for ABA TECHSHOW 2020: February 26 – 29 in Chicago. Heidi is co-chairing this year’s Planning Board with Catherine Sanders Reach, and although the conference is great every year — there’s no doubt this will be the best year to attend yet.


CATEGORIES: Announcements | Career Planning & Transition | Technology

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