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Social Well-Being: Lawyer Well-Being Week Resources (Day 4)

This article is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be used in place of professional advice, treatment, or care in any way. Lawyers, law students, judges, and other legal professionals in Massachusetts can find more on scheduling a Free & Confidential appointment with a licensed clinician here.

Social Well-Being is in the spotlight for Day 4 of National Lawyer Well-Being Week 2020, hosted by the National Task Force on Lawyer Well-Being.

Tomorrow is our last round of daily emails and blog posts — but the point of this week is to highlight that we need to focus on our well-being year-round. View more here on Lawyer Well-Being Week and how leadership in the Massachusetts legal community can participate. Subscribe to our emails here, and accept the challenge to focus on your own well-being. We know it isn’t always easy for lawyers to put themselves first — but it’s best.


SURVEY STILL OPEN! Practice putting yourself first by taking our SURVEY on lawyer well-being needs across Massachusetts. 

This is your chance to make sure our Free & Confidential services respond to your needs and support your well-being. We’re working to deliver what lawyers need for well-being — including practice management assistance and other professional needs — across Massachusetts in collaboration with the new SJC Standing Committee on Lawyer Well-Being.


Each day this week highlights a key element of well-being. Take time to identify where you need additional support and make the effort to seek it out.

Join daily virtual Coffee Breaks at 2pm, a collaboration with the new SJC Standing Committee on Lawyer Well-Being which will feature a speaker on the well-being topic in focus for each day. Other FREE online events on MAY 7th (all eastern time zones):


Today highlights SOCIAL WELL-BEING; below are resources to help you CONNECT — the Lawyer Well-Being Week tagline for Day 4. And tomorrow will highlight Emotional Well-Being.

Connection Activities from Lawyer Well-Being Week:

Are You a Giver or a Taker? Adam Grant (2016) TED Talk, 13:19 mins. Grant, organizational psychologist, breaks down 3 personality types related to giving (givers, takers, and matchers) and offers simple strategies to promote a culture of generosity and to better manage self-serving “takers.” Grant authored the book Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success and Harvard Business Review article In The Company of Givers and Takers.

The Power of Vulnerability, Brene Brown (2010) TEDx Talk, 20:04 mins. Social scientist Brene Brown studies and writes on human connection, including empathy and belonging. In this talk, she shares her research and insights from her own life journey.

How Gratitude Can Transform Your Workplace, Kira Newman (2017) Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley. See also Gratitude Letter Experiment.

To Be Happier at Work, Invest More In Your Relationships, Rob Cross (2019) Harvard Business Review.

The Value of Belonging At Work, Evan Carr et al. (2019) Harvard Business Review.

Diversity Efforts Fall Short Unless Employees Feel They Belong, Pat Wadors (2016) Harvard Business Review.

Enabling Lawyer Well-Being Through Diversity & Inclusion, Anne Brafford (2020) Lawyer Well-Being Week Resource.

The Benefits Of Saying Nice Things About Your Colleagues, Jane Dutton & Lee, J. (2017) Harvard Business Review.

The Right Kind Of Stress Can Bond Your Team Together, Shawn Achor (2015) Harvard Business Review.

Mind Your Marriage (& Similar Relationships), Aileen Reilly (2019) Well-Being Toolkit Worksheet.

CATEGORIES: Balancing Work & Family | Career & Practice Concerns | Relationships | Stress & Resilience | Well-Being
TAGS: lawyer well-being week

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