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LOMAP Launches Facebook Page

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Never ones to absent ourselves from the leading edge of technology, LOMAP has launched its Facebook page:

Have you heard of this thing . . . this, Facebook? I mean, apparently, everybody’s on it. It’s crazy. When my mom told me about it last week, we decided that we had to design our own page, too.

(Disclaimer: Facebook is not to be confused with the popular social networking site, Bookface.)

Our Facebook page is your stopping place for all of our aggregated content. There, you’ll find: LOMAP events, our blog posts, our Twitter feed, new episodes of our podcasts, other unique information and another way for you to access our services, to start discussions and to comment on our wall and to send us messages. If you use Facebook already, the interface will be old hat, and you can just jump in; if you’re new to Facebook, we’ve made the page robust and fulsome enough that you won’t get bored discovering.

If you, like, like us, then really really like us, by logging onto Facebook and clicking the “Like” icon at the top of our main page.

Incidentally, if you’re the lucky 100th person to “like” our page, we’ll give you a free copy of the ABA’s “Smart Soloing: How to Build Your Practice”. Let the (reindeer) games begin!

. . .

Much thanks is to due to LOMAP’s Administrative Assistant, Rachel Willcox, who created, and now maintains, our Facebook page. Big ups to Rachel, who now can never leave.

CATEGORIES: Client Relations | Law Firm Management | Law Practice Startup | Marketing | Technology

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