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The Science of Gratitude

Here we are at the time of year when we are occasionally reminded to be grateful (perhaps superseded, these days, by reminders that true fulfillment requires cars, jewelry, or smartphones).  And of course the recommendation for an “attitude of gratitude”…

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Do You Have a Buddy?

Peer support comes in many forms, and one of them is on a professional/career level.  Those lawyers who work in law firms have a kind of built-in professional support – if they’re stuck on a case, out of action because…

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Weekly Online Lawyer AA Meetings

The International Lawyers in Alcoholics Anonymous (ILAA) now offers online meetings each Monday at 8 pm and 10 pm.  To join ILAA and attend the meetings, anyone who is in recovery and was ever admitted to the Bar can register,…

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How Do I Say This?

He’s late for meetings and seems distracted.  She’s increasingly irritable and rude, even with clients.  He’s disheveled and not himself, and I thought I smelled alcohol.  She’s increasingly withdrawn and moody, and her productivity has slipped markedly. Regularly we receive…

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Ideas for a Literary Addiction Library

A recent compilation of "best books about addiction" reminded me of my appreciation for biographies and autobiographies about individuals’ journeys into alcoholism/addiction (and preferably from there to recovery).  Some of the books on that list are Heather King’s memoir, Parched and neuroscientist…

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