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The So-Called Experts’ So-Called Experts . . . and So Forth: On Pressure-Less Professional Reputation Construction

Every self-proclaimed expert out there is telling everyone who asks, and who will listen, that the way to true happiness = business success, is to similarly proclaim expertise -- hence, the proliferation of thrown-around terms like ‘guru’, ‘visionary’, the aforementioned…

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The (Second Annual) Posts of Christmas Past: The LOMAP Blog’s Calendar Year in Review (for 2010)

You know how when your favorite shows are just going along, being your favorite shows . . . and then, out of nowhere: a clip show. (The most egregious example being Seinfeld’s finale/clip show endovaganza. What a flaming disaster.) And,…

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Source Material: Directed Resources for Massachusetts Data Privacy Compliance

This week's Massachusetts Bar Association Lawyers e-Journal Law Practice Management Section Featured Practice Tip comes from LOMAP. This week's Tip highlights data privacy resources available from the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office and the Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation.Read…

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