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BCLR Symposium in Honor of SJC Chief Justice Ralph D. Gants (Free Event from the Boston College Law Review)


April 9, 2021 9:30 am

The Boston College Law Review invites you to attend a virtual Symposium Event on April 9, 2021, from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm, celebrating the jurisprudence and legacy of former Chief Justice Ralph D. Gants of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. Chief Justice Gants was a historic leader of the SJC, serving as the court’s first Jewish Chief Justice and tirelessly acting as a stalwart, insistent and forward-thinking advocate for progressive change. The world was deprived of his further leadership when he unexpectedly passed away in September of 2020, but the causes he championed continue through commissions and projects he led, relationships he helped build, and advocates he inspired. The Symposium Event (which will be followed by a special print edition of the BC Law Review in the Fall of 2021) will feature panel presentations and tributes from those who knew and worked alongside Chief Justice Gants and who are actively continuing the work he challenged us all to pursue.


Introduction: 9:30 am – 9:45 am

With remarks by Dean Vincent D. Rougeau, Dean of BC Law

Panel 1: 9:45 am – 10:30 am

Chief Justice Gants’ Contributions and Legacy Regarding Access to Justice

Moderator: Prof. Russell Engler

Panelists: Jacquelynne J. Bowman, Prof. Esme Caramello, Hon. Dina E. Fein, Chip Phinney

Panel 2: 10:45 am – 11:30 am

Chief Justice Gants’ Contributions and Legacy regarding Criminal Justice and Procedure

Moderator: Prof. Steven Arrigg Koh

Panelists: Erik N. Doughty, Hon. Nancy Gertner (ret.), Felix Owusu, and Radha Natarajan

Panel 3: 11:45 am – 12:45 pm

Chief Justice Gants’ Contributions and Legacy Regarding Equity and the Legal Profession

Moderator: Prof. David Wilkins

Panelists: Gavin Alexander, April English, Shaun M. Khan, Sheriece M. Perry, Rachel Ramirez Gants, and Marilyn Wellington

Lunch with Tributes: 1:00 pm – 1:45 pm 

With Tributes from: Former Governor Deval Patrick (read by Hon. Margot Botsford (ret.)), Prof. Harold Hongju Koh, Lawrence P. Tu, E. Scott Gilbert, Jeff Robbins, and Prof. Deborah Ramirez

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